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As many people have heard the post election situation in Kenya has descended into a state of complete Chaos. 

To recap for those who have missed it.

December 27 elections were held for the presidency with the front runners being Mwai Kibaki (sitting president) and Raila Odinga (Member of parliment representing Kibera).

On Friday rioting began for delayed results.  On Sunday afternoon the Electoral commission declared Kibaki the winner and he was immediately sworn in for a second term without media being present.  All live Radio and TV has been banned to quell the voilence.  Raila’s party declared him the winner and asked Kibaki to concede.  Raila has also now been sworn in as president (unclear to me by whom) and has stated he will be installing a “parallel” government.  Western observers, the US and the UN all seem to agree there were large irregularities in the election count process.  The outcome of all this is large scale riots, violence, killings, and chaos in Kibera, other slums in Nairobi and increased tribal violence across the country.  THis is a worst case senario situation.

I spoke with Eva, our house mom, and Mzee Aziz (great friend and muslim elder in the area who lives below me on the same compound as the kids) both yesterday and they report the same things: lack of food, to much chaos to leave the house and safety concerns.    Eva had heard that there was a chance people were going to try to break into the orphanage looking for food (which they have none) so the Mzee has stepped up their security and has many people watching the houses.

This kids went to be with their relatives for break and are scattered across the country to it will take time to verify that they are all well and safe and take longer to get them back together for school after the insanity calms down.  We also have many friends down in the heart of Kibera where much of the violence is.

I am asking you to be in ferverent prayer for Kenya.  Some prayer requests are:

Political situation — God’s will be done
safety for our kids, staff and friends
Killings to stop
Food to reach those in Kibera without it (transportation has been stopped)
God to be glorified through this hard situation
Those of us here in the states who are concerned for our friends and many loved ones there

I will be updating this blog as I recieve more news (at least daily) for the next few days.  Please check back for new prayer requests and up to date information on our base in Kenya.  Also, please consider asking others to join us in prayers: church prayer lists, prayer chains, email friends, your family and friends.  God alone is in control of this situation and we need to go to him on behalf of our brothers and sisters in this hard situation.

This is an article that I came across that explains well how things are in kibera:

There is a slide show that shows some on that page.

Thank you for praying!

One response to “Kenya Post-election Chaos”

  1. My heart is with you in the chaos that is happening in your country. Its really sad that these developments are taking place now when we were starting to regard Kenya as an example of a democratic state in Africa, where there are such few of those cases. May the Lord be with you and the children in these trying time and may He protect you and give you strength to soldier on until sanity is restored. Be blessed, will keep you in our prayers.

    World Students Christian Federation-Africa Region
    Vice Chairperson